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Pronunciation : shè
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Meaning :
  1. organization. (n)
Radical :
Strokes : 7
Traditional :
Usage : 37.7%
Common Words / Phrases:
shè huì
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : society
shè qū
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : community
shè tuán
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : mass organizations
bào shè
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : general office of newspaper
lǚ shè
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : hotel
1. He has a high position in society.
de shè huì wèi hěn gāo
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: his
: (particle) used after an attribute; to
社会 : society
地位 : position
: very
: high
2. We visited the Chinese community in San Francisco.
men fǎng wèn le jiù jīn shān de huá rén shè
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我们 : we
访问 : visited
: (particle) used after an action that has taken place
旧金山 : San Franciso
: (particle) used after an attribute; to
华人 : Chinese
社区 : community
3. The hotel is situated in very beautiful surroundings.
zhè jiā shè wèi xiàng dāng měi de huán jìng zhōng
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: this
: measured word
旅社 : hotel
: situated
: at
相当 : quite
美丽 : beautiful
: (particle) used after an attribute; to
环境 : surroundings
: in
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