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Pronunciation : wāi
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
Meaning :
  1. slanting. (adj)
  2. devious. (adj)
  3. incline. (v)
Radical : 止; 一
Strokes : 9
Traditional :
Usage : 2.1%
Notes : also as wǎi
Common Words / Phrases:
wāi qū
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : distort; misrepresent; twist
wāi xié
[Audio clip: view full post to listen] : inclined; slanting
1. He came up with a devious suggestion.
chū le wāi diǎn
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
: he
: came up with
: (particle) indicating that something has happened or is about to happen
: measured word
: devious
点子 : suggestion
2. The ppainting is crooked.
huà guà wāi le
[Audio clip: view full post to listen]
: painting
: hang
: crooked
: (particle) indicating that something has happened or is about to happen
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