Exercise – 听写 31

Chinese Dictation

  • 听写 (tīng xiě)means dictation. "" means listen while "" means write.
  • You can get all the previous dictation exercises here.
  • There are 10 words for this dictation.
  • Click on the play to listen and write down the characters on a paper. Replay the audio if you can't get the words.
  • You can check the answers at the end of the post.
  • Here we go.

[Audio clip: view full post to listen]

  • Have a nice weekend. Happy learning.

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1. 警察 (police)
2. 解释 (explain)
3. 汤匙 (tablespoon)
4. 咱们 (we)
5. 浴缸 (bathtub)
6. 服务 (service)
7. 时尚 (fashion)
8. (post)
9. 骨头 (bone)
10. (take … off)
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Ordering and making Chinese food in China

Watch some of our program interns communicate with a local food vendor. And test out their cooking skills! The Mandarin & Culture Program is a unique course that offers you effective and flexible study options to suit your circumstance: from doing a crash course in Mandarin for a month to learning Mandarin and experiencing cultural activities with friends. Our courses are are specifically designed and conducted by China's leading educational institutions. The course is held in Beijing, the capital of China which recently hosted the Olympics. Group tours can be accommodated. For more information go to: www.mandarinandculture.com

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